What are we doing today?

2 min readApr 30, 2021


“What are we doing today?”

“Shopping. Visiting Grandma. Playing revolution down in the square.”

“Again?? Not me! I hate that!”

“Me too! Why do we always have to play that?”

“So that you know how to behave when you grow up. If you don’t, what’ll you do when you find yourselves oppressed, deprived of your rights, banned from speaking your mother tongue, humiliated, crushed — and I ain’t there with you any more!? Well? What’ll you be doing? When you have no mummy to protect you? You’ll have to stand on your own two feet, you two.”

“I ain’t wanna play no revolution! I wanna stay home! I wanna play indoors! I wanna paint with my daddy!”

“Me too! Me too! Me too!”

“You’re just like that no-good excuse of a daddy of yours. Never giving a damn what’s going on around him. Not interested in anything but his toys. Painting silly cards in his workshop.

“We wanna paint hearts with daddy!”

“Hearts??? Paint hearts? What use is it? What’s the point? What sense does it make?”

“Please, mummy, please. Let’s go and paint hearts with daddy! Pleeease!”

“Oh, what do I care? Do as you please. Finish your breakfast and we’ll walk to daddy’s workshop.”

“You know what? If you go on like this you’ll never learn that you can have nothing but what you’ve fought for. A lesson best learnt in the cradle anyway.”

More on this: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/German-suited_playing_cards




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