Neighbour’s envy, owner’s pride

2 min readApr 12, 2021


Noisy neighbours are a nuisance. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you are the noisy one. Haha. If you know what I’m talking about and sometimes you are yelling and screaming with full resentment you can still be the noisy one. Hahaha.

There are direct neighbours and there are neighbours by viewpoint, by perspective, so to say, among Crypteriors. Such rooms can be paired up in different ways.
Like the same view from several windows.

Anyone got neighbours who vacuum hardwood floors and rearrange their furniture every single day? Oh, yeah. But does anyone exist as a climbing plant that happens to be its own neighbour running through several rooms at once?

A good neighbour, they say, is the one who is invisible. Or the ones who share their freshly baked cookies with you. Or the rare ones you accept even if they are creepy.

You can figure out the rest and see if they’re neighbours or they just bought the same Ikea corner shelves. Do they live in the same block seeing the same view every day, or is it the same room a decade later with different wallpaper and furniture? Is it the dark vibe that makes evident connections between rooms in a murky, sinful district?




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