Behemoth and His Neigbours

2 min readApr 6, 2021


First, there was a hole. Then the mice came in. And where you have mice, you have cats. Thus it came about that Behemoth, Bulgakov’s demonic cat, hopped by. (Behemoth is a character in Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita.)

The Hebrew word behemoth (plural of behemah) has the meaning of “beasts”. In our Crypterior that beast is apparently just gambling, in an atmosphere of friendly joviality, with his unsuspecting neighbours.

There was a hole in our timeline — that’s how these neighbours had a chance to come to life. We had generated the artworks once (and for all, we thought) but then we received some really amazing feedback on our project from the community which forced us to introduce crucial changes and regenerate the collection.

A gap appeared in our timeline that we — the artists — now had an opportunity to fill with our creativity. Thus, that last night, while our developer was working away making crucial changes to the system, our Creative Director and his girlfriend snatched the opportunity to create these neighbours.

Neighbours are special small sets of Crypteriors. Find your neighbour and power up the value of the rooms by linking them up together. Bulgakov’s novel is full of easter eggs — just like our Crypteriors collection. Roll up your sleeves and dig yourself into it.




The largest collaborative digital art NFT project from East Europe.