Aiming High

3 min readMar 31, 2021

Here we are with some of our artworks for sale, unrevealed and at a lower price, in the secondary market. This is very confusing. Let me try and untangle our problem for you.

We are a team of 20 people from various fields of expertise working on a project which is quite a new area for all of us. Most of us have never ever been in the crypto world before. Frankly, some of us don’t get how it works even at this point into the project. Yet we’ve invested plenty of time and energy to create something of real value. We have trust in our project. Trust is a keyword here. I’ll be back to this soon.

Our aim was to differ from other generative artwork projects obviously. For this reason, Crypteriors assets are handcrafted. That’s clearly part of the uniqueness of the art here.

“Cough..cough, that was my mistake. I’ll have an egg on one’s face. Cough..couch, a long time ago we did it to Japan and now it’s our time on the pan. The jok…” Entry to our first giveaway contest by a community member.

Before you make any hasty moves we want to tell you something. We really don’t want you to look at our artwork just as an investment that you buy early at a low price and then sell it to make a quick buck. We want you to realize and appreciate the hidden meaning of these interiors which we have named Crypteriors. We want you to get engaged with the artwork that you own by naming it after or — with some courage and cleverness — before the reveal.

“On the internet, nobody knows you’re a carrot.” Another Crypteriors community member’s entry to our story contest.

So, as I said, we are just babies in this futuristic cryptoworld. We believe however that this is the future. We are still learning to walk with the joy of newborn babies’ curiosity. We learn whenever we fall and our legs get stronger.

There were only 40 people in our Discord channel less than a week ago when a person with community standings and reputation just stood beside us and started to give us a lot of useful advice. As a result, we made some really quick changes at the last minute concerning for example our bonding curve and the reveal timing. His mentorship, coming out of the blue, warmed our hearts to the core. The community on Discord started to grow and they have also given us plenty of uplifting feedback since then.

Every one of us working on this project does so of his or her own accord in their free time, voluntarily doing what they love the best they can. No one is a paid worker or an employee in the project. Whatever the project yields in crypto will be shared out among us.

Where is the story for this Crypterior?

We really want to build a strong community around Crypteriors. Our focus is to escalate a deep connection between long term collectors and the creators based on mutual trust.

We are grateful to all the people who have already supported us and believe in our project. That means a lot.

In conclusion I’d like to tell you that we are going to reveal the sold Crypterior pieces on April 2nd. The remaining Crypteriors will follow the bonding curve. Crypteriors unsold after the reveal will still be available to get via the website, but they will be unrevealed, and will be revealed instantly upon purchase.

We expect you to find several easter eggs in your rooms. Please share your finds on Discord so we can write about them from a cultural perspective.

If you’re not a member yet, let me invite you to join our community.




The largest collaborative digital art NFT project from East Europe.